Title Item Type Sub Type Body Location Source Item (Doc/Image)
EGTSC 0018 Image Monochrome

Seven shooters on indoor range

East Court Range

East Grinstead Observer

EGTSC 0019 Image Monochrome

Four shooters on indoor range

East Court Range

East Grinstead Observer

EGTSC 0020 Image Monochrome

Geoffrey Johnson Smith on firing point surrounded by club members

East Court Range

East Grinstead Courier

EGTSC 0021 Article

Outdoor Range for Rifle Club Soon - Account of AGM 1968, accompanied by picture of F&DRC award winners and their trophies at the annual meeting

East Court Range

East Grinstead Courier

EGTSC 0021a Image Monochrome

AGM 1968: picture of F&DRC award winners and their trophies at the annual meeting.

East Court Range

East Grinstead Courier

EGTSC 0022 Image Monochrome

Geoffrey Johnson Smith and four club members (Dave 'Farmer' Smith, Daphne Taylor, Richard Archer(?) and Harry Latham) in front of the Stats Office

East Court Range

East Grinstead Courier

EGTSC 0023 Article

Busmen Win Trophy - East Grinstead London Transport rifle shooting team won London Transport's Victory Shield, coached by Charles Beard (and trained at F&DRC?)

East Grinstead Courier

EGTSC 0024 Article

Record entries for Felbridge - Account of success of summer shooting and hope for winter

EGTSC 0025 Article

Tight Smallbore Cards - Account of club hosting Sussex indoor finals

EGTSC 0026 Image Monochrome

Clubs members (Harry Humphrey, Richard Nichols, Charlies Beard, Brian Stanner, ??, ??) at work, digging out a drainage ditch (?)

East Court Range https://www.egtsc.co.uk/files/inline-archive/26.jpg
EGTSC 0027 Image Monochrome

Partially built clubhouse - brickwork halfway up windows.

East Court Range

E. G. Eldred

EGTSC 0028 Image Monochrome

Tractor parked on the road, moving concrete slabs for the wall down the side of the range, and three men.

East Court Range


EGTSC 0029 Image Monochrome

Charles Beard at the far end of the 25yd range, sorting out the wires for the target movers.

East Court Range

E. G. Eldred

EGTSC 0030 Image Monochrome

Five members (Ken Nichols, Mike Judson, Richard Nichols, Charles Beard, and Joyce Eldred) having a tea break during construction of the concrete wall down the side of the range.

East Court Range

E. G. Eldred

EGTSC 0031 Image Monochrome

Charles Beard digging out undergrowth in the path of the concrete wall around the outside of the range

East Court Range https://www.egtsc.co.uk/files/inline-archive/31.jpg
EGTSC 0032 Article

Gwynn Powell, Charles Beard, Brigadier Sir Geoffrey Hardy-Roberts, E. G. 'Ted' Eldred, Ken Nichols at annual dinner/trophy presentation for Sussex, with photograph.

Felbridge Hotel

East Grinstead Courier

EGTSC 0033 Image Monochrome

Daphne Taylor, ?, Charles Beard, Gwynne Powell, Jean Fuzard, Ted Eldred with a selection of trophies.

East Grinstead Observer

EGTSC 0034 Image Monochrome

Three men (Tim Avery(?), ?, Arnold Kelf) sliding concrete slab into place in the wall of the outdoor range.

East Court Range https://www.egtsc.co.uk/files/inline-archive/34.jpg
EGTSC 0035 Image Monochrome

Portait photograph of Charles Beard in NSRA suit jacket/tie.

East Court Range

E. G. Eldred

EGTSC 0036 Image Monochrome

Man and dog in what would become the car park out front of the clubhouse.

East Court Range https://www.egtsc.co.uk/files/inline-archive/36.jpg
