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Fullbore Shoot March 2017

Club Full Bore Shoot – Bisley Sunday 26 March 2017

Course of Fire: 600 yards - Two details with one detail nominated as the score to count before the match.

A blustery and chilly wind with changing light. Nominated detail scores in bold.

Facebook Group - Part 5

Mike Kettle. July 25, 2016

The committee have decided that this closed FB group will be removed over the coming weeks.
Future posts will be on the clubs FB page.

Elaine Kettle. October 16, 2016

Well that didn't last long!!

David White. August 28, 2016

Sussex Sextette shooting at Bisley....the drone flyby shots should be interesting when photos/video are published.

Facebook Group - Part 4

Elaine Kettle. December 28, 2015

Hope everyone had a good Christmas. Poor Peter had a week in hospital and we were hit on the M1 yesterday but we're ok. At least we can walk to the Club!!


Linda Kensett. Glad to hear you are ok Peter Watson and hope you are feeling better Peter Watson. Lets hope 2016 is a better year all round.
December 28, 2015 at 8:39am

Peter Watson. Thanks Linda 2015 has been close inspections of the NHS
December 28, 2015 at 10:22am

Facebook Group - Part 3

Peter Watson. November 4, 2015

Struggling along in Texas 85/90 f and 90 per cent humidity sunshine all day but I will try and cope. Evening now got keep up fluid levels so I am on my third Grand Marnier doubles of course.

Elaine Kettle. October 30, 2015

Prize list nearly complete. There are 30 members who have won something so come to the Prize Giving Dinner on 13th November and collect them!! It's always a good sociable occasion with good food and maybe a prize or two!!

Facebook Group - Part 2

Elaine Kettle. September 1, 2015

Back in civilization and have wifi etc. How did the 'Through the Ranges' go and who won???


Mike Barlow. Yes! How was the BBQ - was it dry here?
September 1, 2015 at 2:31pm

Trevor Craig Wilde. Went very well. David White won , Laura 2nd, T.Wilde 3rd. We had Andys Tent so all dry.
September 1, 2015 at 2:32pm

Elaine Kettle. Great stuff. Did anyone remember to sort the trophy?
September 1, 2015 at 3:21pm

Facebook Group - Part 1

Mike Kettle. July 19, 2015

Just a reminder that coaching facilities will be reduced during the holiday period. Please bear with us if you need looking after.

Especially 15-25 August (NSRA National Meeting @ Bisley). Good luck to Malcolm Brain, Andy Meyers, Jim Howard, David White, and Laura Meyers who are the ones I know are going.

Work Party Oct 2016

(Photo: Bonfire! It's not a work party without a bonfire.)

Excellent session with lots of work completed.

Thanks to the following who turned out to make it all happen: Trevor Wilde, Sheena Wilde, Graham Rowcroft, Jim Newsome, Alex Newsome, George Christopherson, David White, John Chisholm, Malcolm Brain, Jim Howard, Richard Nichols, John Tadman, Andy Meyers, Jane Meyers, Elaine Kettle, Sam Kettle, Mike Kettle.
