The club continues to promote excellence in all aspects of smallbore rifle shooting. In order to assist with this Mike Kettle is authorised by the NSRA to undertake the NSRA training course for scorers.

If you have any questions, please checkout the FAQ page.

NSRA Scorers

NSRA Scorers are trained to undertake scoring of competitions at various levels. The purpose of the course is to train scorers to scrutinise and score competition cards accurately, fairly, and with consistency to NSRA standards.

The course is also very useful to competitors and witnesses as it provides a complete summary of all the NSRA rules related to scoring and how they are applied.

The following qualifications are available:

  • Class A - Scoring at any level
  • Class B - County and Regional Scoring
  • Class C - Basic Scoring Skills/Club Scoring

The classification achieved by a candidate will depend on their attendance at the course, ability shown during the course and experience of competition marking undertaken prior to the course.

Any person or club wishing to attend a Scorers Course should contact Mike Kettle. Courses normally cater for a maximum of 15 candidates.

Courses are undertaken at EGTSC or at other clubs as required.

Course costs are as follows:

  • NSRA Course Cost - £15 per candidate, plus
  • Cost for depreciation, course materials etc £10.00 per candidate, plus
  • Travel and accomodation costs if not at EGTSC - at cost.

Course Details are as follows:

09.30  Registration
10.00  Introductions & Slide show (scoring procedures & technical stuff)
11.45  Questionaire review.
12.15  Lunch. Bring you own packed lunch. Tea and Coffee will be provided.
13.00  Practical session & assessment.
15.45  Any questions.
16.00  End.
(these timings are approximate only)

Pre-Course Information

Pre-course information will be issued two weeks before the course to allow candidates time to read it and complete the questionaire prior to attending the course.

If you are currently scoring it will be helpful if you could please bring with you any gauges that you have, a magnifying glass and a pencil, for the practical part of the course. For all candidates a note pad and pen would be useful to make notes. More detailed information will be issued with the pre-course information.

Scoring Courses

Planned courses are listed on the home page. If you are interested in attending a course and none are listed please contact us.