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Competitions Update - April 2019

City of London Finals

The City of London finals were held at Surbiton Rifle Club on Saturday April 27.  In the team shoot-off, contested by the four divisional champions from the Winter season, East Grinstead had two teams representing the club.  The ‘A’ team achieved the highest total gun score but lost out on the Macrae handicap system, with the EGTSC ‘C’ team of Graham Rowcroft, Elaine Kettle, Phil Wood, Mike Levy & Chris Phillips (standing in for Sheena Wilde) winning the trophy.

EGTSC Members at Sussex Finals 2019

The Sussex County Finals were held at Chichester on Saturday 13th April with Charles White getting the ball rolling by winning the Juniors Championship for the Sutton Vase. Following 4 x 99's in the 4 cards of the competition so far, he notched a 5th 99 before going one better for a ton on the final card to win with a total of 199 ex 200, 3 points ahead of his nearest rival.

Dewar Open Shoot - April 2019

High Scoring in East Grinstead's Spring Open Shoot

In gloomy conditions but light winds forty four competitors from the Home Counties achieved some high scores in the East Grinstead Target Shooting Club’s Annual Spring Meeting at the weekend.  

Dinner and Prizegiving 2010

If you didn’t get to the Annual Dinner at the Wiremill on 19 November you missed a good evening.  If you have medals to be awarded they have been put in your filing slots at the Club.  The list of award winners is also on the notice board at the Club.

Annual Dinner and Prizegiving - Prize List

Held at The Wiremill on 19 November 2010

WINTER 2009/10

National RWS League 25yd Div 25 – team medals to:

Dinner and Prizegiving 2009

Annual Dinner and Prizegiving

Held at The Wiremill on  20th November 2009

WINTER 2008/9

Sussex League Petworth Cup  25yd Div 6  'D' team win the cup and 5 medals

  • Marie Glazier, Sam Kettle, Jim Howard, Neil Hunt, Alan Lindsay

National RWS League   25yd  Div 25  – team medals to:

  • Jim and Callan Howard, Malcolm Brain, Geoff Gilbert , Mike Barlow

Best Average Medals to   

Dinner and Prizegiving 2018

Tremendous evening with an improvement in numbers attending compared to previous years. Full details are given below the photos.

Photo ( Courtesy of Elaine Kettle): Prizes all lined up ready to go!

Photo (Courtesy of Elaine Kettle): EGTSC "A" Team - Winners of National Division 1, Summer, Short Range.

English Match 2018

Photo: Stock Photo of the range as I didn't get around to taking any photos!
(Courtesy of Elaine Kettle)

Wilson Wins

Richard Wilson (Shanklin R&PC) managed to master the conditions and won Class A with a respectable score of 588 ex 600. Saturday's conditions were light cloud with little wind. Sunday followed with variable sun/cloud and warmer temperatures.

Bisley 2018

Photo(Courtesy of J Howard): The Sussex Astor Team

East Grinstead Shooters on Target at Bisley National Championships

Eight members of the East Grinstead Target Shooting Club took part in the 2018 National Small-bore Championships at Bisley between 11 and 17 August, and produced some excellent results in tricky wind and light conditions, plus a major downpour.  

Fullbore Shoot 2018

(Photo Courtesy of S Collyer: Jazz's first shoot with Tim Green spotting.)


Congratulations to Tim and Jazz for winning their respective Classes!  Marie also had an excellent score, both her and Jazz being in their first competitive FB shoot.  
